I started with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies and achieved a first class Honours. As a scientist I worked in DPI Fisheries research, the CSIRO, and as an environmental field officer in the State Government.I was advanced to a specialist technical group which eventually became the policy planning group. I worked across Government including in the Office-of-the-cabinet, Qld Treasury, the PSMC and completed the Qld Management Development Program. I left to study architecture at UQ full time, which I completed in record time and registered as an architect at 42.
All of our work is accessible through this architecture about people website, which links to Archicology residential architects and acgcommercial. We have completed about 500 projects with half being community based. We have won various awards across residential and commercial categories. I am currently a Qld State Chapter Councillor for the Australian Institute of Architects, and previously , regional Chair for the Sunshine Coast and Wide Bay areas, Chair of the Sunshine Coast Open House committee, President of the Cleantech Industries Association, and active on many committees including my fourth term on the Cultural Heritage Reference group. I still run my architecture practice, I love working with people, and almost all of our work is repeat clients and direct referrals.
I started writing small articles and have now written for at least 5 publications, some regularly, and given papers at national conferences. These are what are included here, along with some media. I have also written a book of 36 poems, three 60k novels. In my early 50’s I broke my back skiing in Japan, so I ocean swim and do Tai Chi. I have 3 wonderful children.
If you have any queries regarding this correspondence please call Adrian Just on 0412 117772.